When I was a youth minister, one aspect of summer was serving. It was important for me to take advantage of the summertime when youth schedules were more flexible. We served locally and nationally. This is exactly what this summer was for our children, youth, and college students throughout Georgia.
This summer, four Student.Church interns served in four different local congregations. Seven Georgia-connected students served with Student.Go. (See article on pages 10-11.)
Lastly, eight CBF-Georgia connected students served with PASSPORTyouth and PASSPORTkids Camps this summer. I am grateful that these students gave their summers, when they could have been doing almost anything else, to serve others.
Serving is a huge part of the mission of CBFGA and of our churches. Many of our middle and high school and college students were given opportunities to serve in places like Miami, Puerto Rico, Appalachia, New York City, and with many local mission partners in their local areas. Many of our children learned about CBF field personnel during their Vacation Bible Schools while also doing mission projects together.
The experiences we give our young Baptists to go out and be the hands and feet of Jesus will help them understand how to be more like Christ and to see how they can be changed by going and doing.