Changes in Store for CBFGA by Jody Long

Changes in Store for CBFGA by Jody Long

In his book Markings, Dag Hammarskjöld, Swedish diplomat and second Secretary General of the United Nations, wrote, “For all that has been —Thanks; for all that shall be — Yes!” Scribbled in his personal diary in 1953, perhaps after learning he had been named to his...
Changes in Store for CBFGA by Jody Long

Being Called Together by Jody Long

“The togetherness of the Christian community grows from a deep sense of being called together to make God’s compassion visible in the concreteness of everyday living.”—Henri J.N. Nouwen The second creation account in Genesis contains one of the most profound comments...
Our Name Tells the Story by Jody Long

Our Name Tells the Story by Jody Long

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s annual General Assembly has come and gone. Georgia was honored to host again, welcoming multitudes of friends and Baptist family from across our Fellowship to our great state. Inspiring sermons, inviting worship music (provided by...

Living the Story by Jody Long

Songs like “Blessed Assurance,” “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms,” “Victory in Jesus,” and “Higher Ground” were staples in my home church. These songs and so many like them draw us together to sing in harmony the story of faith. “I love to tell the story, ‘twill be my...

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