By the time you read this post, CBF/GA will have already begun a new budget year. Or at least a new, six-month budget year.

For some time, CBF/GA has operated on a fiscal year budget cycle running from July 1 through June 30. On advice from our auditor and accountant, the Coordinating Council unanimously approved changing our budget year to coincide with the calendar year. That change, set to begin January 1, 2020, meant there would be a 6-month window whereby we wouldn’t have a budget for operating expenses. At the Georgia state meeting at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly in Birmingham, AL, last month, attendees unanimously approved a 6-month budget to fill the gap. Within the next few weeks, we will name a budget committee to help us develop a full year’s budget for 2020. If someone from CBF/GA’s leadership contacts you to serve on the budget committee or to serve on Coordinating Council, I hope you will prayerfully consider doing so. Your participation and leadership help make CBF/GA successful and help guide us in the way of Jesus around our state and in our world.

And speaking of new beginnings, this past spring brought the announcement that CBF/GA would be selling its building. A number of factors went into this decision, including being better stewards of our resources and that the size of the building is perhaps too large for our purposes now. We contacted Fickling and Company, a leading commercial and residential real estate company in Macon, about helping us with the sale. In the meantime, for very little cost, we were able to acquire the three vacant lots behind our office, thus enlarging our footprint and making it more attractive to potential buyers.

Well, our plan may have worked.

As of July 12, we have a contract to sell our building to a non-profit group that looks to start after-school and community-building programs. Given our proximity to Miller Middle School and Central High School in Macon, this would be a wonderful use of our building and property. If all goes according to plan, we will close sometime near the end of August. We are in discussions about possible locations for our new office space, and we will update you as soon as those plans take shape.

It’s a new year, sort of. And new things are definitely happening. In all of this, we give thanks to God who blesses us with new beginnings and new possibilities each day.

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