MY LATE GRANDFATHER dreamed of being a Baptist preacher, but he would not give up smoking, and he feared the responsibility of saving people’s souls. He pitched a fit when my parents crossed the state line to bring me into the world in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I am the only person in my extended family born outside of Georgia. After that initial hiccup in my origin story, my grandfather would be pleased to know that I’ve been a Georgia resident and Baptist for 30 of my 32 years. I imagine he would have cheered along at my pandemic ordination with a cigarette in hand and a smile as he realized I’ve never felt responsible for saving people — that’s Jesus’ job.

While I’m proud to be a Georgian, the heritage I claim most proudly is the rootedness I have in some of Georgia’s finest church families. First Baptist Dalton raised and baptized me. Madison Baptist called and affirmed me to ministry. First Baptist Athens ordained me and continues to develop my vocation. I’ve had the joy of preaching in many of your churches as well. Again, more than the location, it’s the people who make these churches special. I’m sure you feel the same way about your church family. I am a product, albeit a clearly unfinished one, of these interconnected Cooperative Baptist families.

Saying “yes” to serving as Moderator of CBF of Georgia for 2024 is a natural way for me to begin giving back to the churches across our state who’ve been home to me. I look forward to continuing our efforts to support CBFGA churches by encouraging our ministers and providing meaninngul spiritual experiences for lay people of all ages.

I often say, “this Christian pilgrimage is not a DIY project.” Though we fool ourselves from time to time, we are needy people. None of our churches operates in isolation. We desperately need God’s grace, and we need the support of each other.

Thanks be to God! Else, I might be responsible for saving souls, and nobody wants that.

In sincere gratitude to all of you!

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